Sustainable retrofit based on BIM

Laura do Carmo Baumgratz de Paula Larivoir

ABSTRACT: The construction industry is responsible for a significant amount of environmental impacts, which mostly are due from the phases of use and maintenance. Rehabilitation of buildings in Brazil is an opportunity of solution for the large number of buildings that have obsolete structures and/or outdated equipment. In this context, BIM allows you to analyze various dimensions of the building, while considering different sustainability parameters. This work aims to contribute to the integration of sustainable retrofit theme in Brazilian society, so that there is greater awareness of the importance of the issue, and enable a more eco-efficient analysis with the use of BIM systems. A literature review was made and the main concepts of sustainability in construction, sustainable retrofit and green BIM were related. Two study cases were analyzed using the Revit tool and the advantages and difficulties encountered in the use of BIM were listed. The main advantages of using BIM for green retrofit include: the establishment of enterprise database for future interventions and maintenance, analysis of projects over the life cycle of the buildings, and consistent modeling allowing results close to reality. This work can contribute to a greater understanding of what is sustainable retrofit and how it can be accomplished used BIM, helping project teams in decision-making.

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