• Sustainability assessment tools
  • Indicadores de Sustentabilidade em Balneários Suburbanos no Estado do Espírito Santo

    RESUMO: O turismo e a migração de moradores têm crescido nos balneários brasileiros. Estes se dividem em várias tipologias, contudo no Estado do Espírito Santo se caracterizam em Urbana, Suburbana e de Plano. Para esta pesquisa será abordada apenas a Suburbana, por agregar atividades de cultura e lazer, somados aos recursos naturais disponíveis e à localização próxima aos centros […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Water sustainability assessment for the region of Curitiba

    ABSTRACT: The Watershed Sustainability Index (WSI) allows for integrated analyses of social, economic and environmental matters that can affect sustainability in a watershed, in a water-centric approach. It is subdivided into four categories: hydrology, environment, life and policy, each of them analysed through a three-tier indicator system, namely for pressure, state and response. As such, the index accounts for […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Decision making process assisted by Life Cycle Assessment: Greenhouse gas emission

    ABSTRACT: The concept of sustainability has been spreading in the construction industry introducing tools and methods that may assist in the process of decision m aking and allowing improvements in management techniques as much as in production processes. Thus, this research aims the selection of materials by means of the proposition of a decision making method – the Choosing by […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Smart Cities: Selection of Indicators for Vitoria

    ABSTRACT: Since 2007, urban cities have become the main living environment of humanity, as opposed to rural areas. Thus, with the increase of urban areas, it is appropriate to develop techniques for the orderly and integrated growth of the cities. The concept of Smart City arises in this context. Considering the particular challenges of each city to become […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Brazilian building evaluation through reverse analysis based on environmental rating systems: a case study

    ABSTRACT: Brazilian’s architecture offices are initiating their search for methods that could give some orientation about the design process for sustainable buildings. The North The French methodology has been adapted, resulting in the AQUA Brazilian certification. However, history has revealed many professionals who expressed their concern about the environment through interesting architecture solutions, years before the launch of the first […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Processo de Etiquetagem de Edificações (PBE Edifica): Uma revisão

    RESUMO: O setor elétrico tem promovido ações que visam o uso eficiente de energia elétrica, inclusive na construção civil. Desde a crise do petróleo na década de 1970, a produção de energia vem sendo questionada e atualmente há várias iniciativas no âmbito internacional sobre eficiência energética nas edificações, como os programas de etiquetagem e as certificações ambientais. No Brasil, […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Analysis methodologies fitness assessment of residential project sustainability for context Maceió – AL

    ABSTRACT: The search for ways to measure the level of sustainability of buildings is increasing. We note the relevance of the application of methodologies that drive the act of designing more sustainable to improve the quality of the built environment in order to minimize their impact. Thus, this study aimed to verify certification systems and its better adaptation to […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Análise comparativa entre ferramentas de certificação ambiental relacionadas ao uso e gestão da água

    ABSTRACT: The civil construction industry consumes big quantities of water in all its productive chain, and facing the necessity to attend the sustainability agendas recommendations, it´s adjusting itself and taking responsibility in the market as a committed sector with matters related to the reduction of environmental impacts, this fact helps the grow of many evaluation methods. The goal of […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • The latest ISO 14001:2015 and its contribution to Sustainable Construction

    ABSTRACT: The ISO 14001 is an international standard, worldwide recognized, whose management of their environmental issues, thus contributing to sustainability, by preventing pollution and by meeting legal requirements. This article aims to discuss sustainability and the application of this standard within the construction sector in Brazil and its impacts upon construction companies. The methodology consists of the study of the […]