• Governance and strategies for a sustainable built environment
  • Application of the “ladder of citizen participation” to the analysis of the São Paulo Master Plan revision process

    ABSTRACT: Urban planning promoted in Brazil by the “Estatuto da Cidade” (City Statute) establishes the Participatory Master Plan as the primary tool for urban policy, citing citizen participation as a way of guiding urban development and planned occupation. There is an assumption that participatory processes must include the preparation of studies and the conducting of analyses, as well as […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Instruments for Environmental Management: A Focus on Sustainable Innovation

    ABSTRACT: The current environmental issue has increasingly demanded, initiatives aimed at finding solutions that can provide a balance between the evolving needs of society and the maintenance and preservation of the environment. In this sense, the instruments for environmental management emerge and are designed to help strategies and decisionmaking process. For as such instruments can become effective in the […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Use of photovoltaic solar energy in built environments in accordance to NR 482/2012 and 687/2015

    ABSTRACT: In recent years, the energy photovoltaics has been recognized internationally as a very promising technology. International experiences have contributed to the analysis of market expansion, economies of scale and reduced costs for investors. From a strategic point of view, Brazil has a number of natural features favorable to this type of generation, as its high levels of insolation. […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Green Roofs: Manual structure proposed for Brazilian cities

    ABSTRACT: Regarding green roofs, policies and encouragement strategies have been adopted for more than thirty years in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Canada, where there are supportive standards, guidelines and manuals. In Brazil, this issue is recent and several laws are being proposed in recent years, but they are superficial and do not show strong technical or […]