ABSTRACT: The discussion of the difficulties in the integration of environmental sustainability requirements in public buildings and the subsequent evaluation of the design projects leads to the analysis of the limits imposed by the laws governing the public procurement process, the formulation of the call for bids and the Terms of Reference for the assessment criteria. In 1993, Brazil […]
The ASUS tool as a conceptual basis for proposing the inclusion of the sustainability concept in the formation of the Architect and Urbanist
ABSTRACT: The term sustainability is widely used in the construction industry as the subject of research, seminars and conferences. The discussion ranges from materials and techniques for construction to the use of the edification, allowing the identification of various application possibilities within the architecture field. The evaluation tools and certifications of buildings support achieving sustainable practices in the sector, […]
Dificuldades na implementação do design builder no mercado brasileiro
ABSTRACT: Os edifícios são grandes consumidores de energia, representando cerca de 40% do consumo no Brasil. Esta realidade deve-se frequentemente à má concepção projetual, que ignora sistemas e equipamentos que trazem economia de energia e o correto dimensionamento das cargas térmicas. Quando analisados usos comercial e serviço, com 15,4% e 8.0% respectivamente, a iluminação e o condicionamento de ar […]