ABSTRACT: Sustainability assessment has been promoted by several institutions and organizations in order to encourage sustainable practices in the building sector. The scope of the first assessment tools was on buildings and building solutions. Research within this field of knowledge is already well established. But very recently, there has been a progressive development of tools aiming at broader scales […]
Sustainability assessment tools
Eficiência de proteções solares horizontais externas para a latitude da cidade de São Paulo
RESUMO: O controle da incidência da energia solar nas edificações pode impactar significativamente a sua eficiência energética. Entender o comportamento do sombreamento das proteções solares em relação às variações de intensidade e período de incidência da radiação solar ao longo do ano o passo fundamental para determinar as suas consequências no desempenho térmico da edificação. Este trabalho tem como objetivo […]
Water loss indicators used in public water supply services in Brazil: Literature research and review
ABSTRACT: The amount of water loss, expressed through indicators is an important element in assessing the efficiency of water supply services. The International Water Association (IWA), in the late 90’s, laid the normative basis of the performance indicators for water supply services. The standard of IWA indicators was successful, being adopted by many countries. In Brazil there is still […]
Sustainable building: assessment tool in Brazil
ABSTRACT: The concepts about sustainable development include the environmental, economic and social sustainability, emphasizing the quality of life of people and communities. In the case of Brazil, the investment in this field can be considered as being recent in what to the scientific research is concerned. The country does not have a wide database regarding its five regions, capable […]
An assessment of the CASBEE sustainability certificate in the context of Brazilian urban projects
ABSTRACT: In most studies, it has been taking into account the performance assessment of construction, without addressing or addressing insufficiently, the urban context in which it is inserted: the environment, the neighborhood, the city. As cause and consequence of this situation, many of the built environment promotion policies are directed solely to the construction, while larger scale projects are […]
Instruments for Environmental Management: A Focus on Sustainable Innovation
ABSTRACT: The current environmental issue has increasingly demanded, initiatives aimed at finding solutions that can provide a balance between the evolving needs of society and the maintenance and preservation of the environment. In this sense, the instruments for environmental management emerge and are designed to help strategies and decisionmaking process. For as such instruments can become effective in the […]
Índices de CO₂ para materiais de construção em edificações brasileiras
RESUMO: No Brasil apesar da emissão de gases de efeito estufa estar abaixo dos índices mundiais, o setor da construção civil apresenta padrões de emissão semelhantes a de países desenvolvidos. Neste sentido é importante o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de aferição destes impactos associados às edificações. Este artigo atualiza dados da emissão de dióxido de carbono embutido em materiais de […]
Tools for assessing sustainability in urban settlements: Case study of the Metropolitan Center neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro, applying the LEED ND environmental certification
ABSTRACT: While increasing the use of sustainability in urban projects, it grows the need to develop sustainability indicators that serve as a reference for assessing urban policies implemented in the city. With it come new evaluation systems that take into consideration the environment, location, urban mobility, infrastructure and environmental management, putting into practice concepts of new urbanism and sustainable […]
Indicadores de desempenho ambiental de edificações: revisão da literatura
RESUMO: O setor da construção civil tem mostrado um crescente interesse por técnicas construtivas que reduzam a quantidade de atividades necessárias no canteiro de obras e que proporcionem ganhos de produtividade. Métodos como modularização, panelização, pré-fabricação de componentes, bem como novas tecnologias aplicadas no próprio canteiro, são alguns exemplos de alternativas para estes fins. Também denominadas Métodos Modernos de Construção […]
The trivialization of the sustainability in the civil construction
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to develop a theoretical reflection about the trivialization of the sustainability concept, putting together conceptual interfaces and real cases of contemporary buildings that has improper application of the sustainability concept. The case study was based on the comparison between contemporary buildings certified by LEED and modernist buildings of the 50s, which were more efficient in […]