The housing in recycled container as an alternative to social housing: A comparative cost and productivity

Denise Aparecida de Souza

Giusilene Costa de Souza Pinho

ABSTRACT: In Brazil, social housing are generally built with traditional building techniques, which abdicates the technologies available in the market. Industrialized systems enable productivity gains, lean construction and optimization of the construction site. In this context, the Container System is presented as sustainable, recyclable and rapid delivery, favoring even service in disaster situations. This study aims to study housing in recycled container as a possibility for social housing, assessing the competitive potential cost and productivity of this system compared to PVC Concrete System. This research is classified as descriptive and exploratory, included in its methodology the following: literature review; identification of industrialized building systems deployed in the State of Espírito Santo; survey to municipalities and construction companies responsible for innovative systems; system selection to be compared to the Container System as incidence and geographical proximity; characterization of recycled container and PVC Concrete System; analysis of the feasibility and basic project housing development in containers; cost comparison later and productivity between systems previously characterized. The study Container System seeks to identify positive applicability in social housing, highlighting technical and cost advantages. The possible development of this system will bring an important advance in building techniques used and will contribute to the recycling of obsolete discards the current nautical market.

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