• Training and education to promote adoption of sustainable approaches
  • Technologies to support methodological and management processes of video posters and/or video papers on technical-scientific events

    ABSTRACT: This work aims to deal with the need for renewal of the formats related to scientific conference products, scientific technical sessions and the pursuit of awareness of researchers on the importance of socialization of scientific knowledge. As well as improve the quality and depth of acquired knowledge not only for those who produce, but also for the participants. […]

  • Training and education to promote adoption of sustainable approaches
  • Proposición y potencial sostenible del Vídeo Poster Científico

    RESUMEN: Esta investigación trata de exponer las experiencias y los resultados de dos eventos científicos en los que se aplicó el formato de vídeo como medio de divulgación científica, llamado en esta investigación como “Video Póster”, que se trata de presentar la investigación pos medio de un vídeo y de permitir que los participantes acceder a […]