ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze environmental aspects of the Port of Santos, the largest in Brazil, based on the concepts of the “Green Ports” police, the indexes defined in the “AQUA-Port” certification, developed by the Vanzolini Foundation in partnership with the Innovation Center for Logistics and Port Infrastructure (CILIP), from the University of Sao Paulo, USP; and the Environmental Development Index – IDA, created by the National Agency of Waterway Transportation – ANTAQ. For this it was made a literature review, which also included studies made by the Port Authority of Santos – CODESP; international benchmarking considering best practices in international ports in relation to environmental management. The research was supplemented by interviews with the managers of the environmental sector of the Port of Santos. From the study it was possible to identify current deficiencies in the environmental management of the Port of Santos, ongoing initiatives and alternatives to the adequacy of this port complex aiming sustainable development, following international tendencies. This research was made as a partial requirement for obtaining the title of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology from the University Santa Cecilia, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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