• Sustainability assessment tools
  • O SBTool como base conceitual para retrofit de edifícios multifamiliares

    ABSTRACT: Diante da crise energética e da constatação de que a indústria da construção civil é uma das principais consumidoras de recursos naturais e grande geradora de resíduos, intensificou-se a busca por práticas mais sustentáveis nesse setor. As técnicas de reaproveitamento das edificações existentes como o retrofit , são um caminho para a valorização e modernização dos edifícios construídos. […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Development of a retrofitting tool for classrooms

    ABSTRACT: Several investigations have led to understand how architecture and the environmental surrounding such as natural lighting, thermal performance, and air quality influence on learning processes and are the key to provide comfort for the students. The purpose of this research is to study the application of different energy retrofitting strategies in classrooms of the city of Concepción, Chile. […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • New tools for sustainable urban land regularization in permanent preservation areas: The 11.977/09 Brazilian Law Implementation

    ABSTRACT: The right to housing is intrinsically related to urban-environmental conflicts as a result of the process of social and spatial exclusion characteristic of the economic system in force , causing a significant portion of the low income population to be neglected and left on the margins of human rights, particularly when it comes to the right to housing, […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Sustainable retrofit based on BIM

    ABSTRACT: The construction industry is responsible for a significant amount of environmental impacts, which mostly are due from the phases of use and maintenance. Rehabilitation of buildings in Brazil is an opportunity of solution for the large number of buildings that have obsolete structures and/or outdated equipment. In this context, BIM allows you to analyze various dimensions of the […]