• Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • The influence of the window in energy consumption A study in multi-family residential buildings

    ABSTRACT: The urbanized areas around the whole planet have grown increasingly and according to the United Nations, the expectation is that over 70 % of the population are located in the urban centers by 2050. This growing evolution of cities boosts the energy consumption in all productive sectors and it is expected a continue growth for the coming decades. […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Dificuldades na implementação do design builder no mercado brasileiro

    ABSTRACT: Os edifícios são grandes consumidores de energia, representando cerca de 40% do consumo no Brasil. Esta realidade deve-se frequentemente à má concepção projetual, que ignora sistemas e equipamentos que trazem economia de energia e o correto dimensionamento das cargas térmicas. Quando analisados usos comercial e serviço, com 15,4% e 8.0% respectivamente, a iluminação e o condicionamento de ar […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Life cycle energy (LCEA) and carbon dioxide emissions (LCCO2A) assessment of roofing systems: conventional system and green roof

    ABSTRACT: With the increase of urban occupation and therefore the constant need of new buildings, the concern about its environmental impacts grows recently. Thus, is demanded the research on the concept of buildings considering the economy of resources, especially energy. Green roof is an ancient alternative to reduce the effects of heat islands and global warming, providing architectural, construction, […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Study of double windows efficiency in order to improve sound insulation in buildings

    ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to evaluate sound insulation behavior of double windows, when a second window is placed upon a previous one, keeping an air layer between them. This was done through standard tests carried out at the insulation chamber of the Acoustics Laboratory of Federal University of Santa Maria in accordance with international norms ISO […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Normative references and instruments for flexible housing design in Brazil

    ABSTRACT: Housing design can play an important role in the promotion of a better life in the perspective of a more sustainable urban environment. Nevertheless, even though the advances in the regulatory context of civil construction in Brazil, the normative references and wide range of instruments applicable to housing developments have not been sufficient to guarantee design quality, particularly […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Avaliação das propriedades de blocos de concreto intertravados, com estudo comparativo de misturas adicionadas de borracha de pneus inservíveis e resíduos de Construção e demolição

    ABSTRACT: Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de bloco de concreto com a utilização de pneus inservíveis no meio ambiente, no qual valoriza a vertente da sustentabilidade na construção civil. No projeto proposto, foram utilizados os materiais não convencionais: pneu e areia de resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD), com agregado e objetivo de analisar um padrão aceitável para a […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Photovoltaic Powered Water System for an Indigenous Community in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest

    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the commissioning and start-up phases of a project to allow the indigenous community of Santa Rosa, Ecuador gain access to fresh water, with pumped storage provided by a photovoltaic (PV) system. The project used the initial design prepared by a non-profit organization as the basis for construction as well as materials from an industry funded […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • Analysis of the Bernardo Mascarenhas Cultural Complex based on the criteria of sustainable development

    ABSTRACT: The Bernardo Mascarenhas Textile Company, founded in 1888, was an important company located in the historical centre of Juiz de Fora city (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Since the bankruptcy of the factory in 1984, the complex of buildings went through several building works. This article aims to explore the edifications taking in consideration the concepts of sustainable development, that […]

  • Technologies for a sustainable built environment
  • A iluminação natural no ambiente interno em função das aberturas

    RESUMO: A iluminação natural é um importante item utilizado em projetos energeticamente eficientes. Além de proporcionar ambientes mais saudáveis e agradáveis para a permanência humana, o dimensionamento adequado das aberturas proporciona um melhor aproveitamento da iluminação natural, reduzindo o consumo de sistemas de iluminação artificiais. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o comportamento da iluminação natural no ambiente interno […]