• Sustainability assessment tools
  • The trivialization of the sustainability in the civil construction

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to develop a theoretical reflection about the trivialization of the sustainability concept, putting together conceptual interfaces and real cases of contemporary buildings that has improper application of the sustainability concept. The case study was based on the comparison between contemporary buildings certified by LEED and modernist buildings of the 50s, which were more efficient in […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Influência das fontes de dados nas emissões de CO2 e no indicador de mudanças climáticas da indústria cimenteira brasileira

    RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na comparação e quantificação da variabilidade da emissão do Dióxido de Carbono (CO2) considerando diferentes fontes de dados de Inventário de Ciclo de Vida (ICV) dos cimentos brasileiros. Os dados foram levantados do Ecoinvent v3.2, do centro de dados Getting the number rights e dos relatórios de sustentabilidade das principais empresas da indústria […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • The use of SBTool on public procurement: Challenges and opportunities

    ABSTRACT: The discussion of the difficulties in the integration of environmental sustainability requirements in public buildings and the subsequent evaluation of the design projects leads to the analysis of the limits imposed by the laws governing the public procurement process, the formulation of the call for bids and the Terms of Reference for the assessment criteria. In 1993, Brazil […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • New geo-tools for urban studies

    ABSTRACT:  One of the biggest challenges in urban research is to obtain spatial data with high enough spatial and temporal resolution. New tools based on mobile devices, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Web services allow the creations of platforms for collecting georeferenced information to study the complexity and dynamism of urban environments with a resolution, cost and frequency hardly reachable […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Integration of Experimental and Simulation Computer Fluid Dynamics to Improve Natural Ventilation in Buildings for Hygrothermal Comfort and Energy Savings

    ABSTRACT: Buildings consume nearly half the global annual energy use that comes mainly from the burning of fossil fuels, which provokes the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG), and consequently global warming and climate change, among other consequences. The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2014) confirms and ratifies the necessity for immediate and sustainable […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • The ASUS tool as a conceptual basis for proposing the inclusion of the sustainability concept in the formation of the Architect and Urbanist

    ABSTRACT: The term sustainability is widely used in the construction industry as the subject of research, seminars and conferences. The discussion ranges from materials and techniques for construction to the use of the edification, allowing the identification of various application possibilities within the architecture field. The evaluation tools and certifications of buildings support achieving sustainable practices in the sector, […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • A conceptual model for sustainable development assessments

    ABSTRACT:  With most of the population living in cities while relying heavily upon resources provided from rural areas, the urban footprint and environmental pressure do not cease to grow, which presents great challenges for achieving sustainable communities and the Sustainable Development goals of the United Nations. Unsustainable urban growth can be seen as both a cause and a consequence of […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Análise da implantação do selo casa azul em edifício residencial multifamiliar

    RESUMO: A construção civil é um setor que consome grande quantidade de recursos naturais e gera resíduos na mesma proporção, ocasionando impactos socioambientais. Diante disso foram criadas certificações de sustentabilidade, que buscam reconhecer a qualidade ambiental, através da preservação dos recursos naturais e a implantação de práticas sustentáveis durante o ciclo de vida das edificações. Entre elas, o Selo […]

  • Sustainability assessment tools
  • Proposta de Aprimoramento da ferramenta ISMAS – Estudo de Caso: Madeira Plástica

    RESUMO: Atualmente é essencial para profissionais ligados à construção civil a busca do conhecimento sobre os aspectos de sustentabilidade, em particular o conhecimento inerente aos materiais. Desta forma, a utilização de instrumentos que ajudam a selecionar materiais emergiu neste contexto como uma ferramenta facilitadora no processo projetual. Assim, este artigo teve como objetivo utilizar uma ferramenta de seleção de […]