• Mitigation of impacts in urban areas
  • Occupancy patterns and building performance. Developing occupancy patterns for Portuguese residential buildings

    ABSTRACT: The construction sector is responsible for enormous environmental impacts. Those are mainly due to the use of materials, energy and land. The impact of a single building is normally directly dependent on the size of the building or in the area of land it occupies. In this article, it is argued that strategies to improve building performance […]

  • Mitigation of impacts in urban areas
  • “Green Ports” and the Port of Santos

    ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze environmental aspects of the Port of Santos, the largest in Brazil, based on the concepts of the “Green Ports” police, the indexes defined in the “AQUA-Port” certification, developed by the Vanzolini Foundation in partnership with the Innovation Center for Logistics and Port Infrastructure (CILIP), from the University of Sao Paulo, USP; and the […]

  • Mitigation of impacts in urban areas
  • Project guidelines for construction of biodigesters in poor communities in Brasil

    ABSTRACT: In today’s materialistic society, there is a constant pressure to consume goods and services without taking into account that this unbridled acquisition will lead to an increase in the generation of solid waste that, in most cases, will not be properly disposed of, culminating in the proliferation of vectors and causing incalculable damage to the environment, to public […]

  • Mitigation of impacts in urban areas
  • De basural a parque urbano; propuesta de regeneración urbana para la mitigación de impactos generados en la gestión de residuos en la ciudad de Coronel, Chile

    ABSTRACT: Durante el siglo XX, la incorporación del capitalismo en Chile hizo del suelo una mercancía más, donde el estado y particulares ejercen sus intereses sobre el desarrollo del territorio. Este escenario se grafica en la distribución de equipamientos LULU o Locally Unwanted Land Use y la relación de contigüidad que mantienen con poblaciones de bajos ingresos, demostrando que […]

  • Mitigation of impacts in urban areas
  • Noise impact of urban mobility changes: Charitas tunnel case study

    ABSTRACT: The City growth demands mobility and new paths to reduce the time expended in transportation of the urban population. However, in general, the increase of traffic and/or vehicle speed implies in more noise pollution. Noise pollution is considered by World Health Organization as cause of several health problems. In a Brazilian city, named Niteroi, a tunnel is being […]

  • Mitigation of impacts in urban areas
  • Traffic Quality Index to intersections considering fuel efficiency

    ABSTRACT: The environmental conditions of urban areas are directly affected by the operation in their road intersections and by the amount of vehicles and its dispersion throughout the day. To measure these conditions, the present study aims to propose a Traffic Quality Index (TQI) applicable to urban intersections and for comparing traffic performance, bringing a comprehensive methodology about the […]

  • Adaptation of cities and buildings to climate changes
  • A seca e a desertificação e as mudanças climáticas em Cabo Verde

    RESUMO: Este artigo tem como finalidade, explorar o tema desertificação a seca, com principal foco no arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Relata como as mudanças climáticas agravaram o problema da seca e como governo e a sociedade encaram os problemas derivados da seca e da desertificação suas estratégias e planos de ação, as soluções empregadas no combate e na luta […]

  • Adaptation of cities and buildings to climate changes
  • Sustentabilidade no planejamento urbano: ilhas de calor

    RESUMO: Atualmente as mudanças climáticas vêm exigindo que o planejamento urbano necessite de medidas drásticas para tentar amenizar os efeitos do aumento da temperatura, bem como acentuação dos efeitos das ilhas de calor. Sendo que uma das preposições adotadas para um planejamento urbano sustentável, leva em consideração a remediação e a prevenção das ilhas de calor e redução das […]