ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to present the analysis of energy efficiency experience by the Brazilian Labeling Program (BLP) of Ifes, campus Colatina, with the implementation of the Technical Regulation of Quality to Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings, Services and Public (RTQ-C). This article aims then to characterize the building by volumetry and important aspects of envelopment the survey and as built of the architectural design of the institution. By the prescriptive method of TRQ-C the aspects that promote and limit that energy efficiency in building were defined. Through the survey of the prerequisites of envelopment, it was found that the index for the transmittance of artificially conditioned environments coverage would lead to loss of efficiency, while the consumption index found assesses the building with energy potential maximum level. Thus, it is concluded on the need to create an improvement plan in order to raise the level of efficiency, promoting change in the thermal load transmitted by the cover with the change of material and analyze at the same time guidelines responsible for increasing the environmental comfort in classrooms through the application louvers on the facades, that receive more insolation. It is expected that such adjustments to the optimum efficiency level would be reached and get the lowest energy consumption.
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