• Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Sustainable Architecture – Analysis of constructive processes, techniques and materials

    ABSTRACT: The current consumption rate of fossil fuels and natural resources in the construction activities is unsustainable. Actually this activity consumes resources well above natural systems restoration capacity, being responsible for 30% of world’s carbon emissions. The efforts to increase sustainability using energy from renewable resources should include innovation in the construction methods and the valorization of waste through its […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Inovação e integração de sistemas bioclimáticos em arquitetura para clima temperado: Perspectivas futuras

    RESUMO: Com objetivo de atingir níveis cada vez maiores de eficiência energética em edificações, profissionais da arquitetura e engenharia buscam constantemente o aprimoramento de soluções que permitam alcançá-los. Após um percurso de pesquisas e aplicações de estratégias de modo individual, hoje sabe-se da importância de usá-las de modo combinado, como medida mais eficaz. Assim, a prática da arquitetura bioclimática aliada […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Sistema de cogeração de energia: O caso de uma indústria cerâmica

    RESUMO: As crises energéticas, em nível mundial que ocorreram ao longo da história, levaram ao investimento em pesquisas que buscam a diversificação da matriz energética. O Brasil, pioneiro no uso de usinas hidrelétricas, adotou essa como principal fonte geradora de energia elétrica. Porém, após recentes crises hídricas, notou-se como este fato interfere diretamente no setor industrial e, consequentemente, na […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Daylight in the Museum: Luminance distribution study using HRD photographs

    ABSTRACT: Daylight is essential when experiencing architectonic spaces; its proper integration and suitable distribution creates a spatial dimension which passes well-being onto people. Therefore, lighting strategies are key in a museum, as they need to guarantee a stable luminous room, giving a good vision of the works. Restrictions to conserve works have led to a limited use of daylighting, […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Bioclimatic architecture and energy savings of the urban housing in arid environments

    ABSTRACT: The energy consumption for thermal conditioning of urban dwellings located in a zone of arid mesothermal climate is studied to identify its incidence in the household energy structure. The study’s object is the city of San Juan (Argentina), located in the South American arid diagonal. The hypothetical comsumption of natural/liquefied gas and electricity, per dwelling […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Analysis and strategies on energetic efficiency

    ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to present the analysis of energy efficiency experience by the Brazilian Labeling Program (BLP) of Ifes, campus Colatina, with the implementation of the Technical Regulation of Quality to Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings, Services and Public (RTQ-C). This article aims then to characterize the building by volumetry and important aspects of envelopment […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • Considerations on the energetic use of landfill biogas in MSW compactor-collector trucks

    ABSTRACT: In large landfills, the application of a percentage of the generated biogas to supply the fuel demand of a fleet of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) compactor-collector trucks may replace, with advantage, the use of diesel by the fleet for many years. There are two technologies for landfill biogas to be explored. The first is related to the […]

  • Nearly zero and positive energy built environments
  • A Portuguese study on building renovation towards a nearly zero energy building (nZEB)

    ABSTRACT: The social and environmental urgency of large-scale integrated retrofitting of the European residential building stock is widely acknowledged and supported by all Member States. However, the European building sector is currently still not able to offer an integral solution for deep renovation toward nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) for reasonable costs. MORE-CONNECT project aims to tackle this issue […]