ABSTRACT: In recent years, the energy photovoltaics has been recognized internationally as a very promising technology. International experiences have contributed to the analysis of market expansion, economies of scale and reduced costs for investors. From a strategic point of view, Brazil has a number of natural features favorable to this type of generation, as its high levels of insolation. Such factors potentialize the attraction of investors, as well as the development of an internal market, what highlights the important role what this technology can play in the energy matrix of the country. In 2012 came into force on Normative Resolution n° 482, which establishes the general conditions of access to the electricity distribution systems in case of distributed microgeneration systems and distributed minigeneration systems, in order to reduce regulatory restrictions for the connection of small power generator in the electricity distribution grid and introduce the power compensation systems (net metering). This article was supported in the review of related literature and applicable regulations and aims to discuss the revision of the power compensation system what is described in normative resolution 482/2012, and modified by resolution normative 687/2015, and its effects on the expansion of solar PV in built environments, and its capacity in stimulate the use of new technologies, the increased of the efficiency and the expansion of distributed generation. It was found that, despite the advances that the normatives represent, the development of photovoltaic energy is still held back by the lack of mainly economic and legal incentives.
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