ABSTRACT: Atualmente as cidades são testemunhas de uma revolução urbana, acarretada por novas tecnologias e evolução – sociocultural e econômica – da população. Nesse sentido, dentre os desafios enfrentados por arquitetos e urbanistas, está a inserção da sustentabilidade nos projetos de intervenção dos espaços públicos, de modo a proporcionar subsídios para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população. […]
Governance and strategies for a sustainable built environment
Integrated Management of Urban Solid Waste in Municipality of Paty do Alferes
ABSTRACT: From 2010 on, with the approval of the National Policy for Basic Sanitation and the National Policy for Solid Waste, the topic of solid waste has gained visibility and has been widely discussed. However, one can see that, in most Brazilian municipalities, urban solid waste management has been very far from reaching satisfying results. This paper assesses the […]
Standardization of water loss indicators in water supply services: The experience of regulatory agencies in Brazil
ABSTRACT: Regulators of water supply services have a major challenge to develop and implement a set of indicators to assess effectively water losses. You can find in the literature water loss indicators in different formats, making it difficult to assess the performance in combating losses between different water supply companies. In this context, this article aims to investigate […]
Analysis of the Portuguese building retrofitting market
ABSTRACT: The Portuguese socio-economic context of the last decades of XX century led to a great investment by the construction industry in new construction. This tendency continued even after the number of buildings had largely overcome the number of families. Nowadays, there are in Portugal more 45% of dwellings than families. On the other hand, the existing buildings were […]
Application of the “ladder of citizen participation” to the analysis of the São Paulo Master Plan revision process
ABSTRACT: Urban planning promoted in Brazil by the “Estatuto da Cidade” (City Statute) establishes the Participatory Master Plan as the primary tool for urban policy, citing citizen participation as a way of guiding urban development and planned occupation. There is an assumption that participatory processes must include the preparation of studies and the conducting of analyses, as well as […]
Selective Demolition of Buildings as Sustainable Strategy
ABSTRACT: Over the last decades the demolition process has experienced several changes, which focus mainly on how the building will be demolished more recently, the emergence of environmental concerns, brings to the surface the discussion about the damage of building demolition, which is responsible for producing a significant portion of all waste generated by construction, from the most selective […]
Sustentabilidade em edificações na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória – Gestão de água e de energia
RESUMO: A construção civil é responsável pelo elevado consumo de recursos, como água e energia, e geração de resíduos, provocando diversos impactos ao meio ambiente e, por isso, a necessidade de produzir edificações mais sustentáveis. O atual momento de crise política e econômica que o Brasil enfrenta, leva as construtoras a buscarem novas vertentes para se destacarem no mercado. […]
The influence of glazed balconies in the thermal comfort in an urban tropical region
ABSTRACT: Natural ventilation has served as an effective passive cooling design strategy to comfort and reduction energy used by air-conditioning systems, especially, for tropical regions where the temperature and humidity are generally high. The balconies are architectural elements characterized by shaded areas and permanent ventilation with a significant impact on comfort and distribution of air flow inside the building. […]
Relevance of embodied energy on building retrofit assessment
ABSTRACT: Many regulations and initiatives to promote the reduction of the energy consumption and carbon emissions have been implemented in the building sector. However, they are mostly targeted for new buildings. In order to have an effective impact and reach the goals that are being established, it is necessary to act in new but especially in the existing buildings, […]
Assessment criteria for the level of integration of urban water and land use management
ABSTRACT: The growth of population density in urban areas has exacerbated the negative impacts on water resources, such as pollution due to higher effluent discharge and flooding due to soil impermeabilisation. Such problems worsen when public policies and territorial management practices are not integrated. This paper recognizes the importance of integrating water resource management with land use management to […]