• The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • Analysis and simulation of energy efficiency on platform BIM: A systematic literature mapping

    ABSTRACT: This paper presents a process of systematic literature review as part of a PhD research focusing on the integration of energy efficiency simulation in the design process using building information modeling (BIM) platform. The main objective is to assess international researches carried out in the last ten years published at major conferences, proceedings and journals approaching the integration […]

  • The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • The use of BIM for the sustainable design

    ABSTRACT: The construction industry is a great generator of environmental impacts by excessive consumption of raw materials, high energy consumption and amount of waste generated. In this context, there is an effort to mitigate these negative impacts, seeking better alternatives to create more sustainable buildings. Through the literature review methodology, this study aims to explore the use of BIM […]

  • The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • Life Cycle Assessment and Building Sustainability Certification Systems: Could Building Information Modelling tools ease this integration?

    ABSTRACT: Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an important methodology for the environment-based evaluation of building materials, components and systems and should be used within the building sustainability certification systems. The present paper reports on the state of the art of LCA as a tool for the assessment of building materials and components and analyzes its application in the sustainability […]

  • The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • Abordagem do BIM na produção científica brasileira: uma pesquisa bibliométrica

    ABSTRACT: Building Information Modeling (BIM) está transformando como as edificações são projetadas, construídas, operadas, mantidas e demolidas, e tem atraído uma atenção significante como um processo que pode impactar positivamente no desempenho dos projetos de arquitetura, engenharia e construção. O BIM pode facilitar a coordenação multidisciplinar em todos os estágios do ciclo de vida de um edifício. A pesquisa […]

  • The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • Interoperabilidade. Comparação entre os sistemas BIM e CAD

    RESUMO: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar os sistemas CAD e BIM com foco nas possibilidades de interoperabilidade de ambos com as ferramentas de simulação e avaliação de eficiência energética da edificação (BEM Building Energy Modeling). Foi realizada uma investigação em livros, periódicos, artigos e trabalhos científicos publicados em eventos visando mapear as ferramentas de avaliação de eficiência atuais […]

  • The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • Building life cycle energy assessment on pre operation phase using BIM

    ABSTRACT: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a very important tool for several analyses and it is used to quantify environmental impacts related to products or services. It is essential that building LCA be done during pre-design stage, in order to avoid impacts caused by material waste and lack of planning. Life Cycle Energy Assessment is a LCA method, […]

  • The BIM concept applied to sustainable buildings and cities
  • The project performance simulation for more sustainable built environments and the Integrated Modification Methodology

    ABSTRACT: In the performance project, several important decisions are taken in isolation and arbitrarily, without a reliable projection of the final result. The knowledge lack of that performance in the designing process waste opportunities and can transfer to the user and the environment from the errors impacts and costs for the corrections. Thus, this highlights the need of a […]